Hello Everyone!
Welcome to the Official Lands Guide for our Melon Realm!
This Realm has recently been updated with a ton of new features..
This post will explain how our new claiming system works.
If you need any further help contact our team on https://discord.gg/applemc
Getting Started
Firstly, you need to create your land to begin..
You can do so with the /lands create command.
Like our old system, if you want to specify an exact size for your claim you can use;
/lands selection and use left and right click to do so.
The /lands claim command will automatically claim the chunk you are standing in which is much easier!
You can manage your land with the /lands menu command.
Trusting & UnTrusting Players
You can let your friends live with you or have access to your claim.
You can do this with /lands trust name and remove them with /lands untrust name.
Toggling Permissions
Permissions are a great new system for our claiming.
You can allow and disallow certain permissions for your land members.
- First, run the command /lands.
- Select the roles item.
- Open the role settings menu.
- Configure to your liking.
You can also promote and demote players through different ranks on your land.
- First, run the command /lands.
- Click on the players item.
- Use left click to promote and right click to demote a player.
The following list are the commands you may need to begin and manage your land.
- /lands
- /lands help
- /lands claim
- /lands create
- /lands merge
- /lands accept
- /lands chat
- /lands delete
- /lands deny
- /lands deposit
- /lands edit
- /lands invites
- /lands map
- /lands menu
- /lands rename
- /lands selection
- /lands setrole
- /lands setspawn
- /lands spawn
- /lands top
- /lands trust
- /lands untrust
- /lands unclaim
- /lands unclaimall
- /lands view
- /lands withdraw
Require Further Support?
Join us on https://discord.gg/applemc and our friendly team will gladly help you!